My Thoughts

What's your favorite?

Hello world! I am going to call this site Blog 2.0. There will be a lot more to this blog site than there was on my anonymous blog, and I hope all of you will join in. For the first order of business, let’s talk about books! I love books. I have always loved books. Some of the brightest moments of childhood were the days we got the Scholastic book orders to take home. I went through those little catalogues no less than a dozen times, trying to come up with the perfect combo to max out whatever dollar amount my parents gave me.
There are books from different stages of my childhood that I still love. I searched high and low for a copy of “There’s a Monster at the End of This Book” after my son was born. My hardcopy of “Harold and the Purple Crayon” was given to me when I was in my 30’s by my cute Grandma D, and sits with the rest of my grownup books on the bookshelf. It’s the perfect replacement for the paperback copy I wore out at her house. I went from “Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing” and “Are You There God? It’s Me, Margret”, to the first true story in my collection; “Robyn’s Book” around fifth grade. That one was a Scholastic order and probably the first book I read that left me in uncontrollable, wet and ugly tears. I cried so much for a girl I didn’t know, who had a disease I had never before heard of, that I had to immediately read it a second time. I cried just as much that next time around…
As I got older, I read everything from Anne Rice to Anne Rule. Nothing was off limits. I’ve laughed and cried through stand alones and multiple series. I’ve grown, and suffered, and investigated, and celebrated with so many characters. Many that I count as friends. And with all that I’ve read, if you were to ask me what my favorite book is, I wouldn’t be able to answer. I could give you a list of my favorites, and if you asked me again in a month that list would change, but I could never list just one. So…that’s what I want to know. Could you name a favorite book? What would it be? If not, what are a few that would at least make the list?


  • Darlene

    I enjoyed your comments. I am 55 years old and also remember getting excited when it was scholastic book order day. I recently gave some of my favorite books from all those years ago to my 10 year old nieces who love to read. They were excited to get books they had never heard of, a few of the great little books were Lillian, The Middle Sister, The Family Nobody Wanted, to just name a few. As an adult I have enjoyed many wonderful books, including yours Natalie. Happy reading

    • natalie

      Thanks Dar! I think it’s great that you still had your books to pass along. My collection has grown and shrunk, and grown and shrunk over the years. I do love being able to share them though. And, unrelated but, if you’ve never done a book themed baby shower gift, I think they’re the best.

  • Barb

    I have always enjoyed sharing my love of books with my children when they were young and now as adults. I would be hard pressed to name a top ten list because I get something out of each one I read but one that would be high on my list would be To Kill A Mocking Bird ….it is still relevent today.
    But anything my Daughter puts to print is my favorite thing to read.

    • natalie

      I will always love To Kill a Mockingbird. It would be on my top list, but I still don’t know if I could say it was a “Top 10”. That just doesn’t seem like enough! I think Harper Lee had a great talent for creating characters that you wanted to care about. That will always be something I strive for, even if I don’t write the same social commentary as Lee. If I can make readers care about the people I’m putting on pages, then I have succeeded. 🙂

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